This sweet little girl turned 1 today!

Where has the last year gone??? I can't believe that my baby is 1! I didn't think that I would be so emotional about her birthday but I am not going to lie I have shed a few tears about it. I am not so sure if it is so much about her birthday as me having to go back to work on Tuesday night. It is so hard for me to explain my feelings, I am sure all you Mom's out there know how it feels. It feels like just yesterday I was at the hospital in labour waiting to hold her for the first time. Now she is almost walking, jabbering away, feeding herself etc. Ellie is so much fun! Here is a list of things that she is doing at 1.
- Can say Dada, Mama, ball and almost book.
- She growl like a bear.
- Gives lot of open mouth kisses (I can't get enough of them).
- Loves her dolls! I don't know if it is instinct or what but she picks them up and rocks them, pats there backs and I think they get more kisses than me.
- Can stand for long periods of time by herself but no walking yet.
- She loves mandarin oranges and butterscotch chips.
- Loves swimming and bathing.
- Plays catch with a ball.
- Eats anything she can pinch between her finger and thumb.
- Loves to dance.
- Likes to play with other kids.
- Can go up and down stairs.
- Laughs all the time.
- Mom and Dad are her favorite! She loves to be held.
- Is obsessed with nursing.
- She loves animals especially dogs.
I am sure there are alot more things that she is doing I just can't think of any more right now. She is an amazing little person! She has the best personality and I am excited to watch her grow and change. I am so grateful that I was chosen to be her Mom! I can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't get to see her beautiful face everyday.