So yes here is another post about being a mom! But lets face it this is my life 24/7. I really don't know what I thought it was going to be like having a baby. I thought they slept all the time and that I would have lots of time to scrapbook, quilt and do other things that I enjoy. Lets just say I have had the reality check of my life!!! Who new that showering would become a luxury instead of a necessitie. That sleep would become non existent and would be no me time anymore. Not to say I don't love every minute of it (except the middle of the night). And I think that I have pretty much done everything I said that I would not do. For example I said that I would never bring her in my bed to sleep........haha I am not sure some nights I would get any sleep if I didn't. I said she would sleep in her crib the day she came home from the hospital............she is still in her bassinet and she is 5 months. I have set my self a deadline tho, I told Doug at 6 months she is going in the crib. Anyway I don't really know where I was going with this post but I would just like to say kudos to all the Mom's out there you make it look to easy:)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mother's Day!
I have secretly been looking forward to Mother's Day since becoming a Mom! For about a week or so before the day I had been reminding Doug and asking him what he thought we should do for our Mother's (hint hint). Saturday morning I woke up to Ellie as usual but then something amazing happened! Doug jumped out of bed grabbed Ellie and told me to get back in bed (not that Doug does not help with Ellie in the morning he just usually not as excited). Then the next thing I know I am being served breakfast in bed! Then Doug informed me that Ellie decided that she wanted to take me swimming. When we got there we realized that neither Doug or I had bothered to pack the bag with the swim suit's and towels. So a quick trip to Walmart and a 120 dollars later we were ready for swimming. After swimming we went to mall and Ellie fell asleep in her stroller (which never happens). I guess Doug had plans to cook me dinner but by the time we got home it was late. It was such a fun day hanging out with my little family! I couldn't have asked for a better day. Oh I almost forgot Doug didn't allow me to change one diaper all day. Thanks Doug and Ellie! I love you

Friday, May 15, 2009
Going to give this another try!
So a lot has happened in the last year. We had a baby girl on Nov.29/08 and named her Ellie Kay!!! So our lives have completely changed as you can imagine. I never imagined that Motherhood could be this hard, but so fun at the same time! Ellie is now 5months old and has already changed so much. When she came she was just a ittly bitty thing weighing only 6pounds 4ounces. Since then she has almost tripled her weight! Now a woping 17pounds and that was a few weeks ago I am sure she is almost 18pounds.

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